court ordered life insurance

Court-ordered Life Insurance, When You’ll Need It and How to Get It

Under normal circumstances, people take out life insurance for different reasons, eg, income replacement, providing finances for their loved ones, loan collateral, paying off a mortgage, and so on. And while taking out a life insurance policy is voluntary, sometimes the court may order you to get a new one or maintain an already-existing one.…
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Life Insurance and Divorce, the Ultimate Guide

Statistics show that almost half of all marriages end up in divorce, and although no one marries with the intention of becoming a statistic, a divorce might be a few years down the line after your marriage begins. Sometimes divorces are smooth, but sometimes it can be a destructive spiral of depression for both parties. …
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Life Insurance for Doctors and Medical Professionals, What You Need to Know

Just like with other professions, doctors and other medical professionals need life insurance. Professions in this field are some of the highest-salaried for various reasons, and most of these professionals are the breadwinners of their families. As the breadwinner, one of the biggest concerns is how your family would survive in case of your untimely…
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Life Insurance Coverage For Skydivers, What You Need to Know About Getting The Best Rates

Skydiving is one of the most thrilling experiences ever for those that dare jump from incredible heights. However, it is also an extremely dangerous endeavor. If something goes wrong, then that might be the end of you. This is obviously something that many skydivers have thought about, and it is also the reason that their…
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30 Year Term Life Insurance Guide Simplified

Getting life insurance coverage is smart for anyone who wants to look out for their loved ones and ensure that they will be okay even when they are no longer alive. Term life insurance is the best option if you want to take out a life insurance coverage that will not be a full-time commitment.…
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Life Insurance for Truck Drivers, Here’s What You’ll Need

Truck driving in the U.S is increasingly becoming one of the most lucrative and rewarding careers, especially with the increasing demand for truckers due to growth in e-commerce. However, it also has its downsides.  For example, it is considered a risky career since truck drivers have to be on the road most of the time.…
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What is Buy-sell Agreement Life Insurance and How to Get It

Businesses often need to find different ways to protect themselves, and sometimes, that something that can help is life insurance. Let’s dive into what a buy-sell agreement is and how to get one. What is a buy-sell agreement life insurance? A buy-sell agreement life insurance is a legally binding agreement between business owners which requires…
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Return of Premium Life Insurance Pros and Cons

When you are considering your life insurance options, there is a lot to keep in mind. There are many different types of life insurance available, and not all of them are the same. When you get life insurance, it is important to do your research and make sure you know which type and policy best…
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life insurance companies for diabetics

Life Insurance Companies for Diabetics, Which One is Best?

Sometimes it hard to qualify for a life insurance policy if you have diabetes. Diabetic people are highly risky to insure, but this does not mean that they cannot qualify for life insurance policies. In fact, it is very possible to qualify for affordable packages and avoid the high premiums paid by diabetics.  Can diabetics…
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